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customPinyin v3.4.0+

customPinyin api allows users to customize the pinyin of words and sentences. When Chinese matches the user defined pinyin of words and sentences, the user defined pinyin is preferred.


Without customPinyin

When it comes to polyphonic characters, some complex pinyin or person names may not be accurately recognized, for example, if you have a person named 张会(zhāng kuài)

import { pinyin } from 'pinyin-pro';

pinyin('他叫张会'); // 'tā jiào zhāng huì'
import { pinyin } from 'pinyin-pro';

pinyin('他叫张会'); // 'tā jiào zhāng huì'

With customPinyin

Using the customPinyin api, you can supplement this section with inaccurate pinyin recognition yourself.

import { pinyin, customPinyin } from 'pinyin-pro';

  张会: 'zhāng kuài',

pinyin('他叫张会'); // 'tā jiào zhāng kuài'
import { pinyin, customPinyin } from 'pinyin-pro';

  张会: 'zhāng kuài',

pinyin('他叫张会'); // 'tā jiào zhāng kuài'

Apply to multiple and polyphonic v3.19.0+

By appending multiple and polyphonic in the second parameter of customPinyin, you can make it effective for multiple and polyphonic.

When the values of multiple or polyphonic are add, the pinyin of the characters will be appended on the original base. When it is replace, it will directly overwrite the original base.

// Example of appending
  张会: 'zhāng huài',
}, {
  multiple: 'add',
  polyphonic: 'add',

pinyin('张', { multiple: true }); // 'zhāng' (Zhang was already present, no need to append additionally)
pinyin('会', { multiple: true }); // 'huì kuài huài' (Append huài to the existing data)

polyphonic('张会'); // ["zhāng", "huì kuài huài"]
// Example of appending
  张会: 'zhāng huài',
}, {
  multiple: 'add',
  polyphonic: 'add',

pinyin('张', { multiple: true }); // 'zhāng' (Zhang was already present, no need to append additionally)
pinyin('会', { multiple: true }); // 'huì kuài huài' (Append huài to the existing data)

polyphonic('张会'); // ["zhāng", "huì kuài huài"]
// Example of replacing
  张会: 'zhāng huài',
}, {
  multiple: 'replace',
  polyphonic: 'replace',

pinyin('张', { multiple: true }); // 'zhāng' (Replace with zhāng)
pinyin('会', { multiple: true }); // 'huài' (Replace with huài)

polyphonic('张会'); // ["zhāng", "huài"]
// Example of replacing
  张会: 'zhāng huài',
}, {
  multiple: 'replace',
  polyphonic: 'replace',

pinyin('张', { multiple: true }); // 'zhāng' (Replace with zhāng)
pinyin('会', { multiple: true }); // 'huài' (Replace with huài)

polyphonic('张会'); // ["zhāng", "huài"]

Clearing Original Custom Data v3.19.0+

By default, the data supplemented by multiple calls to customPinyin accumulates. You can use clearCustomDict to clear the original data.

import { clearCustomDict } from 'pinyin-pro';

// Clear custom data for pinyin api
// Clear custom data for pinyin api in multiple pattern
// Clear custom data for polyphonic api
// Clear all custom data
clearCustomDict(['pinyin', 'multiple', 'polyphonic']);
import { clearCustomDict } from 'pinyin-pro';

// Clear custom data for pinyin api
// Clear custom data for pinyin api in multiple pattern
// Clear custom data for polyphonic api
// Clear all custom data
clearCustomDict(['pinyin', 'multiple', 'polyphonic']);



import { customPinyin, clearCustomDict } from 'pinyin-pro';

interface PinyinMap {
  [key: string]: string;

type CustomHandleType = 'add' | 'replace';

type CustomDictType = 'pinyin' | 'multiple' | 'polyphonic';

interface CustomPinyinOptions {
  multiple?: CustomHandleType;
  polyphonic?: CustomHandleType;

function customPinyin(map: PinyinMap, options?: CustomPinyinOptions);

function clearCustomDict(dict: CustomDictType | CustomDictType[]);
import { customPinyin, clearCustomDict } from 'pinyin-pro';

interface PinyinMap {
  [key: string]: string;

type CustomHandleType = 'add' | 'replace';

type CustomDictType = 'pinyin' | 'multiple' | 'polyphonic';

interface CustomPinyinOptions {
  multiple?: CustomHandleType;
  polyphonic?: CustomHandleType;

function customPinyin(map: PinyinMap, options?: CustomPinyinOptions);

function clearCustomDict(dict: CustomDictType | CustomDictType[]);


  • map (required): object, customized pinyin mapping, where key is a Chinese character and value is pinyin.
  • options (optional): object, specifying whether to enable and how to apply multiple and polyphonic.