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  • 【feat】Fixed the inconsistency in return values of first in pattern: 'first' mode and type: 'all': Modify it to consistently return the original non-Chinese characters for non-Chinese inputs. #278


  • 【feat】Added v option to the match API to allow using v to match ü #276


  • 【feat】Added rp option to the html API to remove <rp>(</rp> and <rp>)</rp> from the output #272
  • 【feat】When the custom class name in the html API is set to false or null, the default class name is retained #271


  • 【fix】Fixed the issue where the segment function would discard the last punctuation mark #268


  • 【feat】Added segment API for word segmentation #265
  • 【feat】Added nonZhScope property to the pinyin API to specify the scope of nonZh #266


  • patch: Corrected some pronunciations #260


  • 【feat】Support for external calls to getInitialAndFinal, getFinalParts, getNumOfTone, and other APIs #255


  • 【fix】Fixed .d.ts file errors caused by alias #253


  • 【patch】Corrected some entries in the word library #252
  • 【perf】Slight performance optimization #251


  • 【feat】Comprehensive adaptation of all APIs to support double Unicode encoded Chinese characters #242, #243, #247
  • 【feat】Support for all characters in the General Standard Chinese Character Table #244
  • 【feat】Support for the pronunciation of the repeated character 々 #245
  • 【feat】Support for pinyin characters like êê̄ếê̌ề #248
  • 【patch】Correct the default pronunciation of : #249


  • 【fix】Fixed the issue where surname: 'head' did not work for compound surnames


  • 【feat】Added a surname option to the pinyin API, which supports recognizing surnames at the beginning of strings.


  • 【fix】Fixed TypeScript type errors caused by alias.


  • 【fix】Fixed an issue where the convert API incorrectly handled tone conversion for the iu finals.
  • 【patch】Corrected pronunciation for certain words, see details in #232.


  • 【fix】Addressed inconsistency in conversion behavior of polyphonic and pinyin for non-Chinese characters.


  • 【fix】Updated dictionary dependency versions.


  • 【feat】Support for customizing dictionaries through the addDict API.
  • 【feat】Added intelligent recognition of tone changes for and , which can be controlled by the toneSandhi parameter to toggle on and off. Reference: Wikipedia
  • 【feat】Enhanced pronunciation recognition for , , and when preceded by numerical quantifiers.
  • 【feat】Added intelligent recognition of the pronunciation of at the beginning of words.
  • 【feat】HTML API now includes the customClassMap option to add custom class names to specified characters.
  • 【feat】Implemented a new word segmentation algorithm, supporting dictionary input for more accurate segmentation.
  • 【feat】Added polyphonic and inZhRange properties to the all mode.
  • 【fix】Improved efficiency issue when using the customPinyin API.
  • 【fix】Resolved issues when using multiple and surname modes simultaneously.
  • 【fix】Addressed the problem in multiple mode where a non-Chinese character was lost when only one was present.
  • 【patch】Corrected the pronunciation of certain words.



  • 【fix】Fixed the issue where the first letter was not retrieved correctly in the pattern: 'first' mode for non-Chinese characters


  • 【fix】Fixed the issue of incorrect conversion of non-Chinese characters under the toneType: none parameter. #156



  • 【patch】Correct the following words in directory:

    止咳: 'zhǐ ké',  
    咳特灵: 'ké tè líng',  
    止咳: 'zhǐ ké',  
    咳特灵: 'ké tè líng',  


  • 【patch】Correct the following words in directory:

    那些: 'nèi xiē', 
    皇上: 'huáng shang', 
    太监: 'tài jiàn', 
    审查: 'shěn zhā', 
    只得: 'zhǐ de', 
    哪些: 'něi xiē', 
    一处: 'yī chǔ', 
    大夫: 'dài fū', 
    便宜: 'pián yí', 
    哪个: 'něi gè', 
    肚子: 'dǔ zi', 
    难得: 'nán de', 
    晓得: 'xiǎo de', 
    寻思: 'xín sī', 
    夺得: 'duó de', 
    巴结: 'bā jì', 
    了得: 'liǎo de', 
    行家: 'háng jia', 
    当夜: 'dàng yè', 
    皇上: 'huáng shàng', 
    太监: 'tài jian', 
    审查: 'shěn chá', 
    大夫: 'dài fu', 
    便宜: 'pián yi', 
    难得: 'nán dé', 
    晓得: 'xiǎo dé', 
    寻思: 'xún si ', 
    夺得: 'duó dé', 
    巴结: 'bā jié', 
    了得: 'liǎo dé', 
    行家: 'háng jiā', 
    那些: 'nèi xiē', 
    皇上: 'huáng shang', 
    太监: 'tài jiàn', 
    审查: 'shěn zhā', 
    只得: 'zhǐ de', 
    哪些: 'něi xiē', 
    一处: 'yī chǔ', 
    大夫: 'dài fū', 
    便宜: 'pián yí', 
    哪个: 'něi gè', 
    肚子: 'dǔ zi', 
    难得: 'nán de', 
    晓得: 'xiǎo de', 
    寻思: 'xín sī', 
    夺得: 'duó de', 
    巴结: 'bā jì', 
    了得: 'liǎo de', 
    行家: 'háng jia', 
    当夜: 'dàng yè', 
    皇上: 'huáng shàng', 
    太监: 'tài jian', 
    审查: 'shěn chá', 
    大夫: 'dài fu', 
    便宜: 'pián yi', 
    难得: 'nán dé', 
    晓得: 'xiǎo dé', 
    寻思: 'xún si ', 
    夺得: 'duó dé', 
    巴结: 'bā jié', 
    了得: 'liǎo dé', 
    行家: 'háng jiā', 


  • 【Feature】: customPinyin: customPinyin now supports applying to multiple and polyphonic.


  • 【patch】Correct the following words in directory, for more details please see #148
  • 【fix】convert: support input v, for example: lv4 se4 -> lǜ sè


  • 【patch】Correct the following words in directory:

    否极泰来: 'pǐ jí tài lái', 
    否往泰来: 'pǐ wǎng tài lái', 
    否去泰来: 'pǐ qù tài lái', 
    否极泰回: 'pǐ jí tài huí', 
    泰来否往: 'tài lái pǐ wǎng', 
    泰来否极: 'tai lái fǒu jí', 
    唯唯否否: 'wěi wěi fǒu fǒu', 
    臧否: 'zāng pǐ', 
    否泰: 'pǐ tài', 
    否极泰: 'pǐ jí tài', 
    泰来否: 'tài lái pǐ', 
    否极泰来: 'pǐ jí tài lái', 
    否往泰来: 'pǐ wǎng tài lái', 
    否去泰来: 'pǐ qù tài lái', 
    否极泰回: 'pǐ jí tài huí', 
    泰来否往: 'tài lái pǐ wǎng', 
    泰来否极: 'tai lái fǒu jí', 
    唯唯否否: 'wěi wěi fǒu fǒu', 
    臧否: 'zāng pǐ', 
    否泰: 'pǐ tài', 
    否极泰: 'pǐ jí tài', 
    泰来否: 'tài lái pǐ', 


  • 【patch】Correct the following words in directory:

    只争朝夕: 'zhǐ zhēng zhāo xī', 
    娉婷婀娜: 'pīng tíng ē nà', 
    鸣凤朝阳: 'míng fèng zhāo yáng', 
    凤鸣朝阳: 'fèng míng zhāo yáng', 
    朝阳鸣凤: 'zhāo yáng míng fèng', 
    朝成暮徧: 'cháo chéng mù shí', 
    朝霞: 'zhāo xiá', 
    朝夕: 'zhāo xī', 
    朝气: 'zhāo qì', 
    翅膀: 'chì bǎng', 
    省长: 'shěng zhǎng', 
    一担水: 'yī dàn shuǐ', 
    只争朝夕: 'zhǐ zhēng zhāo xī', 
    娉婷婀娜: 'pīng tíng ē nà', 
    鸣凤朝阳: 'míng fèng zhāo yáng', 
    凤鸣朝阳: 'fèng míng zhāo yáng', 
    朝阳鸣凤: 'zhāo yáng míng fèng', 
    朝成暮徧: 'cháo chéng mù shí', 
    朝霞: 'zhāo xiá', 
    朝夕: 'zhāo xī', 
    朝气: 'zhāo qì', 
    翅膀: 'chì bǎng', 
    省长: 'shěng zhǎng', 
    一担水: 'yī dàn shuǐ', 


  • 【patch】Correct and add the following words to directory:
    • 衒玉贾石: zuì yù jiǎ shí -> zuì yù gǔ shí
    • 了却: liǎo què
    • 力气: lì qi
    • 席子: xí zi
    • 林子: lín zi


  • 【patch】Correct and add the following words to directory:
    • 瓶子: shàn zi-> píng zi
    • 镜子: jìng zi
    • 银子: yín zi
    • 盘子: pán zi


  • 【fix】Fix the issue of build failure in some Vue cli projects caused by bundler migration in 3.18.0


  • 【feat】match:An insensitive option has been added to set case-insensitive, default value is true
  • 【patch】Add the following words to directory:
    • 琵琶: pí pa
    • 蘑菇: mó gu
    • 葫芦: hú lu
    • 狐狸: hú li
    • 桔子: jú zi
    • 盒子: hé zi
    • 桌子: zhuō zi
    • 竹子: zhú zi
    • 师傅: shī fu
    • 衣服: yī fu
    • 袜子: wà zi
    • 杯子: bēi zi
    • 刺猬: cì wei
    • 麦子: mài zi
    • 队伍: duì wu
    • 知了: zhī liao
    • 鱼儿: yú er
    • 馄饨: hún tun
    • 灯笼: dēng long
    • 庄稼: zhuāng jia
    • 聪明: cōng ming


  • 【feat】Add convert API to convert the format of pinyin


  • 【patch】Add the following words to directory:
    • 成都: chéng dū
    • 都城: dū chéng
    • 六安: lù ān
    • 蚌埠: bèng bù
    • 崆峒: kōng tóng
    • 都江堰: dū jiāng yàn


  • 【patch】Add the following words to directory:
    • 嘴巴: 'zuǐ ba',
    • 耳朵: 'ěr duo',
    • 茄子: 'qié zi',


  • 【patch】Correct pronunciation related to relatives and '子'. For details, please refer to863c2e9


  • 【patch】Add the following words to directory:
    • 重启: chóng qǐ


  • 【optimize】Optimize the construction time of initializing AC automata


  • 【patch】Add following Chinese characters and Pinyin in surname mode:
    • 肖: xiāo


  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of following Chinese characters:

    • 苹: pín -> píng


  • 【feature】Add parameter separator of pinyin api to customize separator between pinyins, only effective when type: 'string'.


  • 【optimize】 esm eliminates compression confusion and solves the issue of ineffective use of tree shading


  • 【fix】 Resolve the issue of retaining alias path in .d.ts file


  • 【fix】 Optimize the esm build format to solve the issue of referencing errors in some node environments


  • 【fix】 Fix the types references in package.json


  • 【feat】 Add html API to get a HTML string of Chinese characters and Pinyin
  • 【feat】 Add polyphonic API to get all Pinyins of Chinese characters
  • 【feat】 Rewrite match API, add parameter to control matching rules
  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words:
    • 屏: bīng píng bǐng -> píng bǐng bīng
    • 呒: ḿ -> fǔ ḿ
    • 吋: cùn yīngcùn -> cùn dòu
    • 呎: chǐ yīngchǐ -> chǐ
    • 蝊: uu -> dìng
    • 噷: hm hěn xīn hèn -> xīn hěn hèn
    • 唡: liǎng yīngliǎng -> liǎng
    • 曢: uu -> liǎo
    • 呣: ḿ m̀ -> ḿ m̀ móu
    • 聁: uu -> pàn
    • 闧: uu ->
    • 屗: uu -> wěi
    • 虲: uu -> xiā
    • 屏气吞声: píng qì tūn shēng -> bǐng qì tūn shēng
    • 敛声屏息: liǎn shēng píng xī -> liǎn shēng bǐng xī
    • Remove the following Chinese characters:
      • 瓸: 'bǎiwǎ'
    • Add the following Chinese words:
      • 好好: hǎo hǎo


  • 【refactor】Using Aho–Corasick_algorithm to optimize pinyin matching speed and improve performance by nearly 50 times!
  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words:
    • 种: zhòng zhǒng chóng -> zhǒng zhòng chóng
    • Remove unnecessary Chinese words related to 种(zhǒng)
    • Add the following Chinese words:
      • 耕种: gēng zhòng
      • 种地: zhòng dì
      • 种菜: zhòng cài
      • 栽种: zāi zhòng
      • 接种: jiē zhòng
      • 垦种: kěn zhòng
      • 种殖: zhòng zhí
      • 种瓜: zhòng guā
      • 种豆: zhòng dòu
      • 种树: zhòng shù
      • 睡着: shuì zháo
      • 笼子: lóng zi
      • 厦门: xià mén
      • 东莞: dōng guǎn


  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words:
    • 皇甫: huáng pǔ -> huáng fǔ
    • 一丁点儿: yī dīng diǎnr -> yī dīng diǎn er


  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix conflicts when using both multiple and name in the options parameter
  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words


  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix the issue of duplicate pinyin when using multiple: true and toneType: none simultaneously in the options parameter


  • 【feat】pinyinoptions.pattern parameter adds optional values finalHeadfinalBody and finalTail.
  • 【feat】pinyinoptions.type parameter adds optional value all to get all the data of Pinyin
  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix the issue of incorrect output results when the text parameter contains spaces and options.type is array


  • 【perf】Optimize the Pinyin vocabulary to improve the accuracy
  • 【perf】Reduce the size of package by approximately 10%
  • 【feat】match:New support for Chinese matching and mixed Chinese and Pinyin matching


  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words:
    • 责: zhài -> zé zhài
    • 朝阳: zhāo cháo yáng -> cháo yáng
    • 假发: jiǎ fā -> jiǎ fà
  • 【perf】Optimize prompts of typescript


  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words:
    • 哼: hng -> hēng hng


  • 【perf】Reduce the size of package by approximately 30%


  • 【feat】pinyin:The options parameter adds an optional attribute of v. When options.v is true, the ü in Pinyin will ebe replaced by v.


  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words:
    • 查岗: zhā gǎng -> chá gǎng
    • 查核: zhā hé -> chá hé
    • 查缉: zhā jī -> chá jī
    • 查检: zhā jiǎn -> chá jiǎn
    • 查看: zhā kàn -> chá kàn
    • 查勤: zhā qín -> chá qín
    • 查帐: zhā zhàng -> chá zhàng
    • 查照: zhā zhào -> chá zhào


  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix again the issue of incorrect default values returned by double byte unicode encoded text


  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix the issue of incorrect default values returned by double byte unicode encoded text


  • 【feat】pinyin:The options parameter adds an optional attribute nonZh to configure the output for non Chinese Characters.


  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words:
    • 物美价廉: jià lián wù měi -> wù měi jià lián


  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix the issue of pinyin conversion errors when options.toneType is none for


  • 【perf】Support for dynamic introduction of ESM


  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix the issue of not prioritizing matching custom pinyin when using both the customPinyin API and options.mode is surname simultaneously.
  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix the issue of incorrect pinyin for some surnames.


  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix memory overflow when options.removeNonZh is true and all input strings are non Chinese Characters.


  • 【feat】pinyin:The options parameter adds an optional attribute of removeNonZh, when options.removeNonZh is true, output of non Chinese characters will be removed.


  • 【feat】Add the match API to support pinyin text matching.


  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix the issue of invalid tone acquisition when options.toneType is num and options.pattern is first or options.pattern is initial.


  • 【feat】pinyin:The options parameter adds an optional attribute mode. When options.mode is surname, support Pinyin recognition with surname pattern.
  • 【feat】Add customPinyin api,Support user customize pinyin.
  • 【fix】Fix memory overflow issue when text is too long.
  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words:
    • 褚: zhǔ -> chǔ zhǔ
    • 俞: -> yú yù
    • 臧: zàng -> zāng
    • 贲: -> bēn bì
    • 莘: xīn -> shēn xīn
    • 郦: zhí -> lì zhí


  • 【fix】Fix memory overflow issue when text is too long.


  • 【perf】Optimize the pinyin conversion speed, it has increased by nearly 30 times!


  • 【perf】Optimize prompts of typescript.
  • 【perf】Optimize pinyin conversion algorithm to improve conversion speed.


  • 【fix】pinyin:Fix the error issue of not finding polyphonic results when options is { multiple: true, type: 'array ' }


  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words:
    • 艾: -> ài yì
    • 吽: ōu -> hōng hǒu ōu


  • 【perf】Adjust the dictionary order based on the frequency of single word usage to improve performance, and increase the conversion speed of long sentences by 100%.
  • 【patch】Correct the Pinyin of Some Chinese characters and words:
    • 啊: ā -> a
    • 阿: ē -> ā
  • 【perf】Support the use of <script />


  • 【feat】pinyinoptions.pattern adds an optional value first to get the first character of Pinyin.
  • 【docs】Fix the typo in Readme.


  • 【perf】Remove the readme option from package.json


  • 【docs】Fix version update document link error in Readme


  • 【docs】Optimize the QR code size of documents


  • 【docs】 add QR Code


  • 【lint】Add eslintrc specification code quality.


  • 【perf】Optimize npm package quality and


  • 【fix】Fix issue with no index.d.ts


  • 【refactor】Refactored the project using typescript + rollup